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Achieve Your Vision with LED, LCD and Projectors

Projector Technology

Projectors are a good option for very large format displays. Projector technology has also evolved to suit the markets as required. Projector technologies include LED, LCD and Laser. Key aspects for projector choice are the size and the environment they are to be deployed in. Contact us to figure out the right projector for your application.

LED Walls

LED Walls have become much more common and cost effective over the past few years. There are a number of aspects to take in to consideration when designing and installing an LED wall from content to brightness and pixel pitch. Contact us to help design the right solution for your application.

Hotel TV
Different grades of TV screens

TV Screens

TVs have evolved to suit the markets and environments they are developed for. The build quality, features and warranties all reflect the enviroment in which they were designed to be deployed.

TV for Sydney Water
Most cost effective

Domestic Screens

Domestic screens are the most cost effective option. They are designed to operate for less than 18hrs per day, loaded with apps and features and designed and priced for the benefit of the average home user.

Video wall
High spec and longer warranty

Commercial Grade Screens

Commercial grade screens are the highest quality build. Designed to run 24/7 and with the longest warranty. These screens are designed to be used as workhorse display devices with less features and more durability.


    Contact Us

    marker-icon2 / 2 Ethell Rd Kirrawee, NSW 2232, Australia.

    phone-icon+61 2 9540 4000

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